Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Kumpulan Puisi


       Aku bahagia saat ini
       Ku tak tau apa ini
       Perasaan ku ini
       Jika aku ini
          Menggapai mimpi
             Setinggi langit
                Menembus bumi
                    Seakan mimpi
                  Ternyata  aku mimpi  ..

  Mimpi apa ini  ??
  Selalu begini
  Apa aku ini  ??
     Siapa aku ini  ??
        Dimana aku ini  ??
           Mengapa aku  ??
              Aku adalah aku
                 Kamu adalah kamu
                Kita adalah satu

                     Satu dalam ini
                     Bagaimana ini  ??
                        Aku tak tau apa  ??
                           Jika kau tanya apa  ??
                              Aku hanya diam
                           Membisu dalam kesendirian
                              Pejamkan mata
                                 Tapi jangan di buka
                                      Selamanya  ...

                     Oleh  : Desintta  ..


       Aku bahagia saat ini
       Ku tak tau apa ini
       Perasaan ku ini
       Jika aku ini
          Menggapai mimpi
             Setinggi langit
                Menembus bumi
                    Seakan mimpi
                  Ternyata  aku mimpi  ..

  Mimpi apa ini  ??
  Selalu begini
  Apa aku ini  ??
     Siapa aku ini  ??
        Dimana aku ini  ??
           Mengapa aku  ??
              Aku adalah aku
                 Kamu adalah kamu
                Kita adalah satu

                     Satu dalam ini
                     Bagaimana ini  ??
                        Aku tak tau apa  ??
                           Jika kau tanya apa  ??
                              Aku hanya diam
                           Membisu dalam kesendirian
                              Pejamkan mata
                                 Tapi jangan di buka
                                      Selamanya  ...

                     Oleh  : Desintta  ..

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011


Ibu Permata Jiwaku

Semua manusia pasti punya ibu
Aku punya ibu
Temen – temen ku juga punya ibu
Guru pun juga punya ibu
Hanya adam yang tak beribu

            Kasih sayang ibu tak kan punah
            Ibu  ...  yang menjaga aku di dunia
            Ibu  ...  yg melahirkanku mempertaruhkan nyawa
            Semua orang tentu sayang ibunya
            Walaupun dan meskipun telah tiada

   Ibu adalah sumber cahaya dalam hidupku
   Dia adalah pahlawan di dunia & akhiratku
   Dia bagaikan permata jiwaku
   Kasih sayingmu seluas jagad raya
   Cintamu seluas samudra

Ibu  ……..
   Permata jiwaku  ……..

            Oleh  :  Desintta eka R.

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011


Mimpi Jadi Realita

Tato terlihat baru keluar dari rumahnya, dia selalu bangun di sore hari. Ia seorang yang bejat, kegiatannya hanya kumpul – kumpul dengan teman -  temannya di pos depan rumahnya. Setiap malam ia minum – minuman khamr. Ia terlihat ketakutan keluar dari rumahnya.Entah kenapa?
Ia bermimpi di jemput oleh malaikat maut. Ia duduk termenung di depan rumahnya, ia berfikir kenapa mimpi itu bisa terjadi? Ia terus merenungi itu, ia terlihat gelisah. Ia memasuki rumahnya kembali.
Di malam hari Ia tampak berkumpul – kumpul dengan teman – temannya. Ia melakukan kegiatannya sehari – hari. Judi, minum – minuman keras sudah menjadi kegiatannya tiap malam. Ia sudah tidak tampak ketakutan lagi, mungkin ia menghiraukan mimpi itu.
Keesokan harinya pada sore hari ia terlihat keluar dari rumahnya, dengan wajah yang ketakutan. Mimpi itu terjadi lagi, mungkin ia di peringatkan oleh Allah SAW. Ia termenung duduk di depan rumahnya. Ia terlihat merenungi mimpinya. Ia bertanya – tanya kepada dirinya, bagaimana mimpi itu terulang lagi?” Masa bodoh, cuma mimpi aja.” Kata Tato
Di malam harinya Tato tetap berada di pos di depan rumahnya. Ia melakukan kegiatan rutinnya itu. Ia sempat berfikir tentang kejadian itu, dan ia menceritakan kepada temannya tentang kejadian itu.” Ah...Cuma mimpi aja di takutin.” Jawab Si Big Bos, panggilannya. ”Tapi Bos ini mimpi yang kedua kalinya?” Kata Tato. ”Yang berapa kalipun tetap aja namanya mimpi” Jawab Si Big Bos. Semua teman – temannya menertawai dia.
Seharian Tato tak tampak lagi keluar dari rumahnya. Di malam harinyapun ia tak terlihat di pos di depan rumahnya. Teman – temanya bertanya kepada Big Bos, ” Kemana Tato Bos? ”Gak tau, coba aja panggil di rumahnya!”Jawab Big Bos. Si Jangkung pergi kerumahnya, Ia memanggil  Si Tato. Tidak ada jawaban dari rumah si Tato. Ia langsung masuk kerumahnya, Ia memanggil – manggil Tato. Tetapi tetap tak ada jawaban darinya. Ia masuk ke kamar Tato dan melihat Tato sudah meninggal. Ia meminta tolong kepada teman – temannya. Ketika Big Bos melihat Tato Ia teringat tentang cerita dari Tato. Ia merasa bersalah dan ketakutan. Dan keesokan harinya Big Bos dan teman – temannya tidak tanpak lagi di pos itu.

Oleh Mohammad Qudhsi Z      

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011


Cindy :         Hi, Sandi. How are you?
Sandi :         Great, And you?
Cindy :         Ahahaha, it’s a bit ridiculous!
Sandi :         What’s the matter, Cindy?
Cindy:         The result of the short story contest were announced this morning.And I did’nt win any prizes because I forgot to send it. And I just knew it this morning when I found the envelope inside my drawer.
Sandy :        That’s too bad. How come? But, don’t worry about it. You’ll win another contest and you’ll not forget next time, won’t you?
Cindy :        Yes, that’s for sure. But, I don’t think I’ll never win a writing contest because I think I wrote it badly.
Sandy :        Huh? Look at this short story.It’s written by Marcia an eleven years old girl. I think you can writte better. Would it be possible for you to send your short story to the newspaper?
Cindy :        OK, I’ll consider that. Anyway, I’m not sure the newspaper will publish my short story.
Sandi :         Come on. Don’t give up.
Cindy :        Well, I’ll try. If I fail, I’ll quit writing short stories. I must admid I’m not a talented writer.
Sandi :         Oh, no. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I don’t think it was a good idea.
Cindy :        Thanks for telling me.
Sandi :         Let’s just hope that someday your short stories will be published in a newspaper or magazine.

1). What does Sandi say to persuade Cindy to send her short stories to a           newspaper?
2). What does Cindy say to respond to it?
3). What does Sandi say to encourage Cindy?
4). What does Cindy say to respond to it?
5). Cheryl think of quitting writing short stories. What does Sean say to tell her not to do that?
6). What does Sandi say to criticize Cindy’s idea?
7). What does Sandy say to express his hope?

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011


A very long time ago West Java, there lived a king, named Raden Sungging Pebangkara. He was a good ruler. He liked hunting in the forest very much.
In the forest, there lived a she-pig, actually a cursed goddess. One day, she came out of  her hiding place looking for water. There, she sawa coconut shell filled with water. Expecting it to be a fresh water, she drank it, having no suspicious that is was the king’s urine left there the day before when he went hunting.
The consequence was very strange. She became pregnant. A few months later she gave birth to a very pretty girl.
When the king was hunting again in the forest, he saw the girl and was attracted by her beauty. He took her to his palace, then the called her Dayang Sumbi and treated her as his own daughter.
Time passed and Dayang Sumbi grew up into a beautiful girl. She was fond of weaving.
One morning as she was weaving, her weaving spool flew out of the window to the field. Because she was very tired, she mumbled, “Whoever is willing to help me pick up the spool. I’ll treat her as my sister if she is a girl. If he is a man, I’ll treat him as my husband”. These words were heard by a dog, called Tumang, actually a cursed god too. He immediately picked up the spool and gave it to Dayang Sumbi. Seeing the dog had helped her, she fainted. The god had decided for her to undergo the fate. She became pregnant and a short time afterwards she gave birth to a healthy strong son whom she called Sangkuriang.
Sangkuriang became a handsome young man, as time went by. Like his grandfather, he was fond of hunting in the forest and Tumang was his faithful friend when roaming the woods. He didn’t realize that Tumang was actually his father.
One day, when the dog didn’t obey him to chase the pig, Sangkuriang was very angry and killed the dog and cut up his flesh into pieces and took it home to his mother. For a moment Dayang Sumbi was speechless and took a spool and flung it at him. This left a scar on the spot. Then Dayang Sumbi sent him away.
Sangkuriang left and wandered through the woods. He walked for years.
Finally he returned to his narativ place, but did not recognize it any longer. At the end of a vast rice field, he noticed a house and saw a young girl sitting at her weaving –loom. He approached her and was charmed by her beauty. He was unaware that she was his own mother.

Dayang Sumbi had been given eternal beauty by the gods which was why she looked young forever. She looked at him and noticing his good looks, she promised to marry him. They made plans for their wedding day, but one day she discovered the scar on his forehead. She know that he was her own son who had came back to his village.
She made and effort to make him understand that marriage between them was impossible, but Sangkuriang refused to accept it.
She had an idea and said to him “All right, you shall marry me if only you can dam up the Citarum river and build a big vessel all in one night”.
Sangkuriang agreed and started to work by using his magic powers and his praying to the gods for help.
To prevent the marriage, before Sangkuriang finished his work, she stretched the red veil which covered her head over the eastern side of the plain. Through her magic powers, the red light spread over the landscape, giving the impression that the sun was rising and that the time was up Angrily, Sangkuriang kicked the vessel which was almost finished, upside down.
Some times later the vessel became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu on the northern side of Bandung.